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Jason Waltman

My love affair with photography began over twenty years ago, after taking a college course that left me intrigued and inspired. Students were required to use a completely manual, no-automatic-anything, camera. I bought my first Nikon, a classic FM2, and a few manual-focus lenses. We were responsible for developing our own black-and-white film and making prints in a darkroom. During the semester, I found that I enjoyed the act of taking a photograph—seeing the world cropped through a camera lens, looking for an interesting composition, and thinking about light in a way I hadn’t before. But I also discovered I loved the technical side of image-making and learned that the creative process wasn’t over just because the camera was put away.

I look back on the hours I spent in a darkroom with fond memories, but I’m so glad I don’t process photos like that anymore! Modern, digital cameras are amazing. I'm blown away by how sophisticated today’s cameras are, with their high-resolution sensors and incredibly precise lenses. I’m sure I spend more time editing photos in Lightroom and Photoshop now than I spent dodging and burning in my college darkroom, but sitting at my computer where I can see my work in real-time is certainly easier and more immediately satisfying. And I still enjoy the editing process. Not only is it exciting to relive past experiences, but it’s also a fun challenge to try to make the best image possible from raw camera data.

My professional background is in computer graphics. I worked for twelve years as a visual effects artist at DreamWorks Animation. Today I’m a Staff Software Engineer at Apple. My photographic pursuits center mostly around personal travel. Whenever possible, my husband and I enjoy jetting off to explore bustling cities, hike through the mountains, relax near the ocean, and seek out delicious food. I’m grateful for these opportunities to hone my photography skills and bring home collections of images to share.

I currently shoot with a Nikon Z 8 and reside in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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