New York City
Tall buildings and bright lights in the city that never sleeps.
May 2014 – New York, New York
Shot with Nikon D600
Black bass sashimi with consommé infused with rose petal, Atera.
Nikon D600, 35 mm, 1/30s @ f/2, ISO 6400

Rainbow trout with grilled spring onion and a green garlic dashi, Atera.
Nikon D600, 35 mm, 1/40s @ f/2.8, ISO 5000

Taxi on dimly lit street outside the bright lights of Times Square.
Nikon D600, 85 mm, 1/125s @ f/2, ISO 1400

Empire State Building and Lower Manhattan skyline.
Nikon D600, 70 mm, 1/1250-1/125s @ f/9, ISO 100-160, HDR